tech,17-1-H92-1095,bq <term> Language understanding </term> work at <term> Paramax </term> focuses on applying general-purpose <term> language understanding technology </term> to <term> spoken language understanding </term> , <term> text understanding </term> , and <term> document processing </term> , integrating <term> language understanding </term> with <term> speech recognition </term> , <term> knowledge-based information retrieval </term> and <term> image understanding </term> .
tech,24-2-H94-1084,bq Our <term> document understanding technology </term> is implemented in a system called <term> IDUS ( Intelligent Document Understanding System ) </term> , which creates the data for a <term> text retrieval application </term> and the <term> automatic generation of hypertext links </term> .
tech,3-1-C04-1116,bq We present a <term> text mining method </term> for finding <term> synonymous expressions </term> based on the <term> distributional hypothesis </term> in a set of coherent <term> corpora </term> .
tech,24-5-P04-2010,bq Although the system performs well within a limited textual domain , further research is needed to make it effective for <term> open-domain question answering </term> and <term> text summarisation </term> .
tech,21-3-H94-1084,bq This paper summarizes the areas of research during <term> IDUS </term> development where we have found the most benefit from the <term> integration </term> of <term> image and text understanding </term> .
lr,26-6-P03-1050,bq Our <term> resource-frugal approach </term> results in 87.5 % <term> agreement </term> with a state of the art , proprietary <term> Arabic stemmer </term> built using <term> rules </term> , <term> affix lists </term> , and <term> human annotated text </term> , in addition to an <term> unsupervised component </term> .
other,26-4-P04-2005,bq Our method takes advantage of the different way in which <term> word senses </term> are lexicalised in <term> English </term> and <term> Chinese </term> , and also exploits the large amount of <term> Chinese text </term> available in <term> corpora </term> and on the <term> Web </term> .
other,13-1-P84-1078,bq This report describes <term> Paul </term> , a <term> computer text generation system </term> designed to create <term> cohesive text </term> through the use of <term> lexical substitutions </term> .
lr,20-3-I05-4010,bq The resultant <term> bilingual corpus </term> , 10.4 M <term> English words </term> and 18.3 M <term> Chinese characters </term> , is an authoritative and comprehensive <term> text collection </term> covering the specific and special domain of HK laws .
tech,6-1-P84-1078,bq This report describes <term> Paul </term> , a <term> computer text generation system </term> designed to create <term> cohesive text </term> through the use of <term> lexical substitutions </term> .
other,24-1-N03-4010,bq The <term> JAVELIN system </term> integrates a flexible , <term> planning-based architecture </term> with a variety of <term> language processing modules </term> to provide an <term> open-domain question answering capability </term> on <term> free text </term> .
lr,19-2-N03-4010,bq The demonstration will focus on how <term> JAVELIN </term> processes <term> questions </term> and retrieves the most likely <term> answer candidates </term> from the given <term> text corpus </term> .
tech,38-3-H01-1040,bq We also report results of a preliminary , <term> qualitative user evaluation </term> of the <term> system </term> , which while broadly positive indicates further work needs to be done on the <term> interface </term> to make <term> users </term> aware of the increased potential of <term> IE-enhanced text browsers </term> .
tech,15-2-N06-4001,bq <term> InfoMagnets </term> aims at making <term> exploratory corpus analysis </term> accessible to researchers who are not experts in <term> text mining </term> .
other,10-2-A88-1001,bq <term> Multimedia answers </term> include <term> videodisc images </term> and heuristically-produced complete <term> sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech form </term> .
other,13-1-P82-1035,bq Most large <term> text-understanding systems </term> have been designed under the assumption that the input <term> text </term> will be in reasonably neat form , e.g. , <term> newspaper stories </term> and other <term> edited texts </term> .
lr-prod,15-3-H94-1014,bq The models were constructed using a 5K <term> vocabulary </term> and trained using a 76 million <term> word </term><term> Wall Street Journal text corpus </term> .
other,35-1-I05-4010,bq In this paper we present our recent work on harvesting <term> English-Chinese bitexts </term> of the laws of Hong Kong from the <term> Web </term> and aligning them to the <term> subparagraph </term> level via utilizing the <term> numbering system </term> in the <term> legal text hierarchy </term> .
tech,8-1-C90-3072,bq <term> Spelling-checkers </term> have become an integral part of most <term> text processing software </term> .
other,11-7-H01-1042,bq Subjects were given a set of up to six extracts of <term> translated newswire text </term> .
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