tech,6-4-H92-1016,bq error for the entire <term> spoken language system </term> on the same <term> test set </term> is
tool,11-1-H92-1017,bq <term> Paramax spoken language understanding system </term> : <term> non-monotonic reasoning </term>
tool,7-1-H92-1060,bq ATIS ( Air Travel Information Service ) system </term> , which allows it to answer a <term>
tool,9-6-H92-1060,bq report here on the performance of the <term> system </term> on the <term> February '92 test sentences
tech,9-7-A94-1007,bq incorporated into the <term> English-Japanese MT system </term> , and provided about 75 % <term> accuracy
</term> , resp . We present <term> LHIP </term> , a system for <term> incremental grammar development
<term> extended DCG formalism </term> . The system uses a robust <term> island-based parsing
tool,34-1-C94-2151,bq in a similar fashion to the <term> SYSCONJ system </term> developed for <term> ATNs </term> . This
lr,2-4-H94-1014,bq corpus </term> . Using the <term> BU recognition system </term> , experiments show a 7 % improvement
understanding technology </term> is implemented in a system called <term> IDUS ( Intelligent Document
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