other,31-3-N04-1022,bq We describe a hierarchy of <term> loss functions </term> that incorporate different levels of <term> linguistic information </term> from <term> word strings </term> , <term> word-to-word alignments </term> from an <term> MT system </term> , and <term> syntactic structure </term> from <term> parse-trees </term> of <term> source and target language sentences </term> .
tech,6-1-J05-4003,bq We present a novel <term> method </term> for <term> discovering parallel sentences </term> in <term> comparable , non-parallel corpora </term> .
other,12-2-J05-4003,bq We train a <term> maximum entropy classifier </term> that , given a pair of <term> sentences </term> , can reliably determine whether or not they are <term> translations </term> of each other .
other,4-2-P06-4011,bq In our approach , <term> sentences </term> in a given <term> abstract </term> are analyzed and labeled with a specific <term> move </term> in light of various <term> rhetorical functions </term> .
tech,22-5-H92-1060,bq It was clear that the robust <term> parser </term> allowed us to answer many more <term> questions </term> correctly , as over a third of the <term> sentences </term> were not covered by the <term> grammar </term> .
other,8-2-A88-1001,bq <term> Multimedia answers </term> include <term> videodisc images </term> and heuristically-produced complete <term> sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech form </term> .
other,33-4-C88-2086,bq By reappraising these insightful counterexamples , the <term> inferential theory for natural language presuppositions </term> described in / Mercer 1987 , 1988 / gives a simple and straightforward explanation for the <term> presuppositional nature </term> of these <term> sentences </term> .
The <term> stemming model </term> is based on <term> statistical machine translation </term> and it uses an <term> English stemmer </term> and a small ( 10K sentences ) <term> parallel corpus </term> as its sole <term> training resources </term> .
other,7-1-A94-1007,bq The authors propose a model for analyzing <term> English sentences </term> including <term> coordinate conjunctions </term> such as <term> and </term> , <term> or </term> , <term> but </term> and the equivalent <term> words </term> .
other,25-2-I05-5008,bq We measured the quality of the <term> paraphrases </term> produced in an experiment , i.e. , ( i ) their <term> grammaticality </term> : at least 99 % correct <term> sentences </term> ; ( ii ) their <term> equivalence in meaning </term> : at least 96 % correct <term> paraphrases </term> either by <term> meaning equivalence </term> or <term> entailment </term> ; and , ( iii ) the amount of internal <term> lexical and syntactical variation </term> in a set of <term> paraphrases </term> : slightly superior to that of <term> hand-produced sets </term> .
other,16-3-C04-1106,bq We report experiments conducted on a <term> multilingual corpus </term> to estimate the number of <term> analogies </term> among the <term> sentences </term> that it contains .
lr,3-3-H92-1026,bq We use a <term> corpus of bracketed sentences </term> , called a <term> Treebank </term> , in combination with <term> decision tree building </term> to tease out the relevant aspects of a <term> parse tree </term> that will determine the correct <term> parse </term> of a <term> sentence </term> .
other,18-1-C90-2032,bq This paper proposes <term> document oriented preference sets ( DoPS ) </term> for the disambiguation of the <term> dependency structure </term> of <term> sentences </term> .
other,9-2-C04-1106,bq But <term> computational linguists </term> seem to be quite dubious about <term> analogies between sentences </term> : they would not be enough numerous to be of any use .
other,40-1-N01-1003,bq <term> Sentence planning </term> is a set of inter-related but distinct tasks , one of which is <term> sentence scoping </term> , i.e. the choice of <term> syntactic structure </term> for elementary <term> speech acts </term> and the decision of how to combine them into one or more <term> sentences </term> .
other,24-4-H92-1060,bq We have assessed the degree of success of the robust <term> parsing mechanism </term> through a breakdown of the <term> performance </term> of robustly parsed vs. fully parsed <term> sentences </term> on the <term> October '91 dry-run test set </term> .
lr-prod,12-6-H92-1060,bq We also report here on the performance of the <term> system </term> on the <term> February '92 test sentences </term> , and discuss some issues with regard to the <term> evaluation methodology </term> .
other,5-5-C88-2160,bq Some examples of <term> paraphrasing </term> ambiguous <term> sentences </term> are presented .
other,9-4-P06-2059,bq By using them , we can automatically extract such <term> sentences </term> that express opinion .
other,10-1-I05-5008,bq We propose a <term> method </term> that automatically generates <term> paraphrase </term> sets from <term> seed sentences </term> to be used as <term> reference sets </term> in objective <term> machine translation evaluation measures </term> like <term> BLEU </term> and <term> NIST </term> .
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