</term> , suggest that the highest levels of performance can be obtained through relatively
or <term> English-Japanese </term> , because of the <term> word segmentation problem </term>
the test . The <term> accuracy rate </term> of <term> syntactic disambiguation </term> is
non-deterministic parsing choices </term> of the <term> main parser </term> for a <term> language
formulas </term> , and interpreted by sets of <term> directed graphs </term> which satisfy
</term> offers techniques superior to those of humans for these aspects , while still
unmodified subgraphs </term> . We propose a method of attaining such a design through a method
the first known <term> empirical test </term> of an increasingly common speculative claim
non-NP-antecedents </term> . We present a set of <term> features </term> designed for <term> pronoun
visualizing and directing the process </term> of <term> translating a sentence </term> . The
APs </term> , meets the vital requirements of <term> spoken language translation </term>
<term> ranks </term> to <term> referents </term> of the <term> predicate </term> , calibrating
computations . We also discuss some practical ways of dealing with <term> complexity </term> . In
indices </term> such as the time and place of the rejoinder and the attendance . An alternative
model </term> allows a careful examination of the <term> computational complexity </term>
other,8-8-A94-1011,bq exploit <term> sophisticated representations of documents </term> , and lends some support
manner . We shall introduce the concept of a <term> chart </term> that works outward from
</term> will demonstrate an additional increase of correlation between <term> automatic evaluation
other,8-3-C90-3045,bq intended usage is to relate <term> expressions of natural languages </term> to their associated
authors try to reconstruct the geometric model of the global scene from the scenic descriptions
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