tech,25-1-H92-1095,bq document processing </term> , integrating <term> language understanding </term> with <term> speech recognition
other,12-1-A94-1017,bq ( APs ) </term> for <term> real-time spoken language translation </term> . <term> Spoken language
other,0-2-A94-1017,bq language translation </term> . <term> Spoken language translation </term> requires ( 1 ) an accurate
other,14-9-A94-1017,bq meets the vital requirements of <term> spoken language translation </term> . <term> Japanese texts
other,15-6-C94-1026,bq which are selected from different <term> language families </term> . In <term> optical character
other,10-1-C94-1030,bq speech recognition </term> of a <term> natural language </term> , it has been difficult to detect
tech,4-1-C94-1061,bq <term> concurrent , object-oriented natural language parsing </term> is introduced . Complete <term>
model,6-1-H94-1014,bq paper introduces a simple mixture <term> language model </term> that attempts to capture <term>
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