concatenation languages [ RCL ] </term> can be parsed in <term> polynomial time </term> and many classical
tree adjoining grammar </term> can be parsed in <term> O ( n6 ) time </term> . In this paper
<term> words </term> appear frequently enough in <term> dialog </term> to warrant serious <term>
</term> ) , a <term> parsing-as-deduction </term> in a <term> resource sensitive logic </term> ,
success of <term> ensemble methods </term> in <term> machine learning </term> and other areas
</term> searching for <term> answers </term> in multiple <term> corpora </term> . The <term>
improvement over our <term> baseline system </term> in the number of <term> questions correctly
speech recognition hypotheses ( SRH ) </term> in terms of their <term> semantic coherence </term>
that , it successfully classifies 73.2 % in a <term> German corpus </term> of 2.284 <term>
</term> that describes an end-to-end process in the <term> noisy channel framework </term>
The <term> model </term> is designed for use in <term> error correction </term> , with a focus
</term> of black-box <term> OCR systems </term> in order to make it more useful for <term> NLP
iii ) effective use of <term> priors </term> in <term> conditional loglinear models </term>
out-of-domain <term> bilingual corpus </term> and , in addition , the <term> language model </term>
morphology </term> by identifying <term> hubs </term> in an <term> automaton </term> . For our purposes
, a <term> hub </term> is a <term> node </term> in a <term> graph </term> with <term> in-degree </term>
to be mapped to non-overlapping intervals in the <term> French sentence </term> . We evaluate
the utility of this <term> constraint </term> in two different <term> algorithms </term> . The
it can provide a significant improvement in <term> alignment quality </term> . A novel <term>
<term> natural language understanding </term> in a <term> dialogue system </term> . We build
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