lr,3-3-H92-1026,bq process </term> in a novel way . We use a <term> corpus of bracketed sentences </term> , called a
lr,12-2-P01-1008,bq identification of paraphrases </term> from a <term> corpus of multiple English translations </term>
lr,25-7-P03-1051,bq can create a small <term> manually segmented corpus </term> of the <term> language </term> of interest
lr-prod,1-1-H92-1074,bq <term> CSR ( Connected Speech Recognition ) corpus </term> represents a new <term> DARPA speech
lr,9-1-P03-1068,bq of a large , <term> semantically annotated corpus </term> resource as reliable basis for the
lr-prod,2-3-H92-1074,bq for the past 5 years . The new <term> CSR corpus </term> supports research on major new problems
lr,17-4-C04-1116,bq context features </term> in each author 's <term> corpus </term> tend not to be <term> synonymous expressions
lr-prod,7-2-H92-1074,bq now old <term> Resource Management ( RM ) corpus </term> that has fueled <term> DARPA speech
lr,7-5-C04-1147,bq apply it in combination with a <term> terabyte corpus </term> to answer <term> natural language tests
lr,11-4-P05-1074,bq extracted from a <term> bilingual parallel corpus </term> to be ranked using <term> translation
lr,6-3-C04-1106,bq experiments conducted on a <term> multilingual corpus </term> to estimate the number of <term> analogies
lr,52-3-A94-1011,bq , and does not require a <term> pre-tagged corpus </term> to fit . One of the distinguishing
lr-prod,29-4-H92-1074,bq dynamic challenge of extending the <term> CSR corpus </term> to meet future needs . <term> Language
lr,18-4-P06-2001,bq using a bigger and a more homogeneous <term> corpus </term> to train , that is , a bigger <term>
lr,27-4-P06-2001,bq </term> to train , that is , a bigger <term> corpus </term> written by one unique <term> author
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