an <term> educational tool </term> , it has been used as part of a unit on <term> protocol
English , many systems to run off texts have been developed . In this paper , we report a
be successfully obtained . An attempt has been made to use an <term> Augmented Transition
<term> Chat-80 </term> . <term> Chat-80 </term> has been designed to be both efficient and easily
<term> text-understanding systems </term> have been designed under the assumption that the
understanding of <term> scruffy texts </term> has been incorporated into a working <term> computer
<term> utterance </term> , but they have often been disregarded , perhaps because it seemed
unification of feature structures </term> have been worked out in experimental research , these
</term> ) . Further , a special method has been developed for easy <term> word classification
gracefully . Each of these techniques have been evaluated and the results of the evaluations
competing members . Significant improvement has been observed in the test . The <term> accuracy
machine translation ( MT ) systems </term> has been considered to be more complicated than <term>
approach . <term> Word Identification </term> has been an important and active issue in <term> Chinese
</term> . This data collection effort has been co-ordinated by <term> MADCOW ( Multi-site
of a <term> natural language </term> , it has been difficult to detect <term> error characters
<term> closed semantic domains </term> , have been developed in order to generate <term> lexical
English </term> . The <term> parser </term> has been implemented in <term> C++ </term> and runs
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