tech,18-2-H92-1060,bq already in place for the full <term> linguistic analysis component </term> . Robust <term> parsing </term>
tech,8-3-H92-1060,bq </term> is applied only after a full <term> analysis </term> has failed , and it involves the
other,0-2-A94-1007,bq equivalent <term> words </term> . <term> Syntactic analysis of the English coordinate sentences </term>
tech,4-5-A94-1007,bq presents an <term> English coordinate structure analysis model </term> , which provides <term> top-down
other,25-6-A94-1007,bq provides four effects : the reduction of <term> analysis cost </term> , the improvement of <term> word
other,40-6-A94-1007,bq of <term> ellipses </term> , and <term> robust analysis </term> . This <term> model </term> was practically
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