To avoid this deficit Mr. Lawson inflated the pound in order to prevent its rise . rise </s><s> begin inflation pound </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc rise </s><s> prevent policy deficit </s><s>
This misguided policy could not prevent a British trade deficit . inflation pound </s><s> prevent rise </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc policy deficit </s><s> prevent it deficit
It is extraordinary that the British Treasury thought it could prevent a trade deficit by inflating the pound . rise </s><s> prevent policy deficit </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc it deficit </s><s> increase passenger-kilometer
`` There 's nothing preventing BellSouth from buying up shares in the meanwhile . '' property </s><s> begin process share </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc BellSouth </s><s> begin it market </s><s> fill
Mr. Pearce has also encouraged his staff to work more closely with GM 's technical staffs to help prevent future litigation . $NUMBER$ </s><s> increase share $NUMBER$ </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc litigation </s><s> increase number </s><s>
It says that despite loose regulation of the market itself , its longstanding regulation of industry will prevent such crashes . start they think </s><s> start Larsen </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc regulation regulation crash </s><s> prevent
British government restrictions prevent any single shareholder from going beyond 15 % before the end of 1990 without government permission . prevent regulation regulation crash </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc restriction shareholder </s><s> start year
The GAO has recommended the creation of a system to record trade data so that an independent , verifiable audit trail can be established to prevent customer fraud . </s><s> start it </s><s> start Merc </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc fraud </s><s> begin it program </s><s> begin
According to greenhouse theories , increased carbon dioxide emissions , largely caused by burning of fossil fuels , will cause the Earth to warm up because carbon dioxide prevents heat from escaping into space . tomorrow </s><s> decrease chance occur </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc dioxide heat </s><s> increase example conference
In Brussels , which recently spent millions of dollars on a computer-assisted trading system , disgusted traders watched helplessly as a software failure before opening on Manic Monday prevented trading for two days . </s><s> cover London itself glory </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc opening trading day </s><s> prevent this
This , he warned , would prevent these countries from bridging the difference with their richer EC brethren . </s><s> prevent opening trading day </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc this country </s><s> increase production
Often , Mr. Dinkins 's procrastination prevented him from having a say in the way things turned out , critics claim . prohibit ordinance </s><s> increase price </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc procrastination he </s><s> forbid employee
Instead , an appropriate institution should be charged with the job of preventing chaos in the market : the Federal Reserve . </s><s> begin problem earnest March </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc chaos market </s><s> prevent condition market
The Fed already buys and sells foreign exchange to prevent disorderly conditions in foreign-exchange markets . March </s><s> prevent chaos market </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc condition market </s><s> begin Friday Intel
Democratic leaders have bottled up President Bush 's capital-gains tax cut in the Senate and may be able to prevent a vote on the issue indefinitely . increase that cost </s><s> begin Mahfouz </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc vote </s><s> start barrier come </s><s> increase
It would establish procedures to prevent countries from using health and sanitation rules to impede trade arbitrarily . increase reserve </s><s> begin stock rise </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc country </s><s> forbid biographer </s><s> combine
But the new guidelines could prevent scientists like Prof. Schimmel from being involved with start-ups such as Amira , venture capitalists point out . USA </s><s> begin capacity shrink </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc guideline scientist involve </s><s> prevent
NIH staff members believe the guidelines are essential to prevent the escalation of problems that have already begun to surface in scientific ventures . prevent guideline scientist involve </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc escalation </s><s> prohibit provision guideline
There is still time , however , for Gov. Mario Cuomo or Fabian Palomino , chairman of the BPCA board , to prevent this topiary `` Tilted Arc . '' start trip </s><s> begin that feel </s> <s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc Arc </s><s> begin Sept. Japan policy </s><s>
They also wanted to prevent a NATO training base being built in the region , he said . Arc </s><s> begin Sept. Japan policy </s> <s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc base </s><s> begin addition neurologist report
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