Alan Spoon , recently named Newsweek president , said Newsweek 's ad rates would increase 5 % in January . <s> begin which $NUMBER$ </s><s> increase /3/Change_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc rate $NUMBER$ January </s>
In mid-October , Time magazine lowered its guaranteed circulation rate base for 1990 while not increasing ad page rates ; with a lower circulation base , Time 's ad rate will be effectively 7.5 % higher per subscriber ; a full page in Time costs about $ 120,000 . <s> increase rate $NUMBER$ January </s><s> increase /3/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc rate </s>
That stake , together with its convertible preferred stock holdings , gives Faulding the right to increase its interest to 70 % of Moleculon 's voting stock . <s> increase rate </s><s> increase /3/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc interest $NUMBER$ </s>
Esso said the Whiting field started production Tuesday . <s> increase interest $NUMBER$ </s><s> start /83/Activity_start/RootInDisc field production Tuesday </s>
The Polish government increased home electricity charges by 150 % and doubled gas prices . <s> begin Seoul official remove </s><s> increase /177/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc government charge $NUMBER$ </s>
A trend that started with the first stirrings of politics , accelerated with the dawn of the television age and became a sometimes-tawdry art form in 1988 , has reached an entirely new stage . <s> increase government charge $NUMBER$ </s><s> start /83/Process_start/RootInDisc that stirring </s>
Mostly , she says , she wanted to prevent the damage to self-esteem that her low-ability students would suffer from doing badly on the test . <s> begin country consider </s><s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc damage self-esteem suffer </s>
The dispute has hampered the administration 's efforts to recruit prominent doctors to fill prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control . <s> prevent damage self-esteem suffer </s><s> fill /205/Adorning/RootInDisc post helm Control </s>
Federal judges make $ 89,500 annually ; in February , Congress rejected a bill that would have increased their pay by 50 % . <s> fill post helm Control </s><s> increase /177/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc that pay $NUMBER$ </s>
In addition to the damages , the suit seeks a court order preventing the guild from punishing or retaliating against Mr. Trudeau . <s> begin guild strike industry March </s><s> prevent /108/Thwarting/RootInDisc guild </s>
William G. Kuhns , former chairman and chief executive officer of General Public Utilities Corp. , was elected a director of this maker of industrial and construction equipment , increasing board membership to 10 . <s> begin attorney open </s><s> increase /3/Change_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc membership $NUMBER$ </s>
The magazine combines how-to pieces on topics like backyard composting , explanatory essays on such things as what happens after you flush your toilet , and hard-hitting pieces on alleged environmental offenders . <s> increase membership $NUMBER$ </s><s> combine /522/Cause_to_amalgamate/RootInDisc magazine piece topic essay </s>
Sea Containers Ltd. said it might increase the price of its $ 70-a-share buy-back plan if pressed by Temple Holdings Ltd. , which made an earlier tender offer for Sea Containers . <s> combine magazine piece topic essay </s><s> increase /3/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc it price </s>
We are able to increase our price above the $ 70 level if necessary . <s> increase it price </s><s> increase /3/Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc price level </s>
`` We could prevent many of these fatalities with minimum roof-crush standards , '' he said . <s> increase price level </s><s> prevent /108/Preventing/RootInDisc we many standard </s>
Mr. Pratt remarked that he thinks steeper prices have come about because producers do n't like to see a hit wine dramatically increase in price later on . <s> begin Ford </s><s> increase /3/Change_position_on_a_scale/RootInDisc wine price </s>
Both sides have agreed that the talks will be most successful if negotiators start by focusing on the areas that can be most easily changed . <s> begin worker strike </s><s> start /83/Activity_start/RootInDisc negotiator </s>
NCNB Corp. of Charlotte , N.C. , recently introduced its Financial Connections Program aimed at young adults just starting careers . <s> start negotiator </s><s> start /83/Activity_start/RootInDisc career </s>
Says Mr. Sale : `` I think more banks are starting to realize that we have to be more like the department store , not the boutique . '' <s> begin it </s><s> start /83/Process_start/RootInDisc bank realize </s>
Proper English bells are started off in `` rounds , '' from the highest-pitched bell to the lowest -- a simple descending scale using , in larger churches , as many as 12 bells . <s> start bank realize </s><s> start /2071/Activity_start/RootInDisc bell off </s>
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