other,23-2-T78-1031,ak the existence of another specified <term> path </term> between the same two <term> nodes </term>
other,4-2-T78-1031,ak Path-based inference </term> allows an <term> arc </term> or a <term> path of arcs </term> between
other,21-8-T78-1031,ak </term> , and to the explication of <term> inheritance </term> in <term> hierarchies </term> are sketched
tech,4-1-T78-1031,ak triggered . Two styles of performing <term> inference </term> in <term> semantic networks </term>
model,18-4-T78-1031,ak the existence of an instance of a <term> pattern </term> of <term> node structures </term> . <term>
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