other,7-1-P97-1071,ak Being able to predict the placement of <term> contrastive accent </term> is essential for the assignment of correct <term> accentuation patterns </term> in <term> spoken language generation </term> .
other,16-1-P97-1071,ak Being able to predict the placement of <term> contrastive accent </term> is essential for the assignment of correct <term> accentuation patterns </term> in <term> spoken language generation </term> .
tech,22-2-P97-1071,ak I discuss two approaches to the <term> generation </term> of <term> contrastive accent </term> and propose an alternative method that is feasible and computationally attractive in <term> data-to-speech systems </term> .
other,8-2-P97-1071,ak I discuss two approaches to the <term> generation </term> of <term> contrastive accent </term> and propose an alternative method that is feasible and computationally attractive in <term> data-to-speech systems </term> .
tech,19-1-P97-1071,ak Being able to predict the placement of <term> contrastive accent </term> is essential for the assignment of correct <term> accentuation patterns </term> in <term> spoken language generation </term> .
tech,6-2-P97-1071,ak I discuss two approaches to the <term> generation </term> of <term> contrastive accent </term> and propose an alternative method that is feasible and computationally attractive in <term> data-to-speech systems </term> .
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