other,7-8-P84-1064,bq approach to <term> semantics </term> , the <term> meaning </term> of a <term> proposition </term> , p ,
other,13-6-P84-1064,bq proposition </term> is referred to as <term> explicitation </term> or <term> restoration </term> . <term>
other,0-7-P84-1064,bq </term> or <term> restoration </term> . <term> Explicitation </term> sets the stage for representing the
other,13-2-P84-1064,bq <term> disposition </term> , as are the <term> propositions </term> Swedes are blond and Spaniards are
other,10-7-P84-1064,bq representing the <term> meaning </term> of a <term> proposition </term> through the use of <term> test-score
other,22-3-P84-1064,bq <term> proposition </term> with implicit <term> fuzzy quantifiers </term> which are approximations to all and
tech,10-9-P84-1064,bq with a description of an approach to <term> reasoning with dispositions </term> which is based on the concept of
other,6-1-P84-1064,bq Informally , a <term> disposition </term> is a <term> proposition </term> which is preponderantly , but no
other,19-3-P84-1064,bq disposition </term> may be viewed as a <term> proposition </term> with implicit <term> fuzzy quantifiers
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