other,43-2-P82-1035,bq </term> , <term> missing words </term> , <term> poor syntactic construction </term> , <term> missing periods </term> , etc
other,19-4-P82-1035,bq context </term> , constrain the possible <term> word-senses </term> of <term> words with multiple meanings
other,21-4-P82-1035,bq possible <term> word-senses </term> of <term> words with multiple meanings </term> ( <term> ambiguity </term> ) , fill in
other,10-5-P82-1035,bq </term> to aid the understanding of <term> scruffy texts </term> has been incorporated into a working
other,17-3-P82-1035,bq </term> , based both on knowledge of <term> surface English </term> and on <term> world knowledge </term>
other,4-5-P82-1035,bq anaphora </term> ) . This method of using <term> expectations </term> to aid the understanding of <term>
other,25-5-P82-1035,bq <term> NOMAD </term> , which understands <term> scruffy texts </term> in the domain of Navy messages .
tool,21-5-P82-1035,bq <term> computer program </term> called <term> NOMAD </term> , which understands <term> scruffy
other,47-2-P82-1035,bq poor syntactic construction </term> , <term> missing periods </term> , etc . Our solution to these problems
other,16-2-P82-1035,bq </term> , rough <term> drafts </term> , <term> conversation transcripts </term> etc. , have features that differ
tech,18-5-P82-1035,bq has been incorporated into a working <term> computer program </term> called <term> NOMAD </term> , which understands
other,14-2-P82-1035,bq </term> e.g. , <term> memos </term> , rough <term> drafts </term> , <term> conversation transcripts </term>
other,10-3-P82-1035,bq to these problems is to make use of <term> expectations </term> , based both on knowledge of <term>
other,11-4-P82-1035,bq expectations </term> can be used to figure out <term> unknown words </term> from <term> context </term> , constrain
tech,2-1-P82-1035,bq executed to yield the answer . Most large <term> text-understanding systems </term> have been designed under the assumption
other,23-1-P82-1035,bq be in reasonably neat form , e.g. , <term> newspaper stories </term> and other <term> edited texts </term>
other,31-4-P82-1035,bq ( <term> ambiguity </term> ) , fill in <term> missing words </term> ( <term> elllpsis </term> ) , and resolve
other,11-2-P82-1035,bq natural language texts </term> e.g. , <term> memos </term> , rough <term> drafts </term> , <term>
other,37-2-P82-1035,bq special problems for readers , such as <term> misspelled words </term> , <term> missing words </term> , <term>
other,6-2-P82-1035,bq </term> . However , a great deal of <term> natural language texts </term> e.g. , <term> memos </term> , rough <term>
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