tech,4-1-P03-1050,ak This paper presents an <term> unsupervised learning approach </term> to building a <term> non-English ( Arabic ) stemmer </term> .
tech,6-2-P03-1050,ak The <term> stemming model </term> is based on <term> statistical machine translation </term> and it uses an <term> English stemmer </term> and a <term> small ( 10K sentences ) parallel corpus </term> as its sole <term> training resources </term> .
tech,3-7-P03-1050,ak <term> Task-based evaluation </term> using <term> Arabic information retrieval </term> indicates an improvement of 22-38 % in <term> average precision </term> over <term> unstemmed text </term> , and 96 % of the performance of the proprietary <term> stemmer </term> above .
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