model,8-3-J88-3002,ak It begins with a characterization of what a <term> user model </term> is and how it can be used .
tech,13-6-J88-3002,ak Since acquiring the knowledge for a <term> user model </term> is a fundamental problem in <term> user modeling </term> , a section is devoted to this topic .
other,9-7-J88-3002,ak Next , the benefits and costs of implementing a <term> user modeling component </term> for a <term> system </term> are weighed in light of several aspects of the <term> interaction requirements </term> that may be imposed by the <term> system </term> .
tech,8-8-J88-3002,ak Finally , the current state of research in <term> user modeling </term> is summarized , and future research topics that must be addressed in order to achieve powerful , general <term> user modeling systems </term> are assessed .
tech,32-7-J88-3002,ak Next , the benefits and costs of implementing a <term> user modeling component </term> for a <term> system </term> are weighed in light of several aspects of the <term> interaction requirements </term> that may be imposed by the <term> system </term> .
tech,28-8-J88-3002,ak Finally , the current state of research in <term> user modeling </term> is summarized , and future research topics that must be addressed in order to achieve powerful , general <term> user modeling systems </term> are assessed .
other,24-7-J88-3002,ak Next , the benefits and costs of implementing a <term> user modeling component </term> for a <term> system </term> are weighed in light of several aspects of the <term> interaction requirements </term> that may be imposed by the <term> system </term> .
other,19-1-J88-3002,ak For <term> intelligent interactive systems </term> to communicate with humans in a natural manner , they must have knowledge about the <term> system users </term> .
model,6-4-J88-3002,ak The types of <term> information </term> that a <term> user model </term> may be required to keep about a <term> user </term> are then identified and discussed .
model,6-6-J88-3002,ak Since acquiring the knowledge for a <term> user model </term> is a fundamental problem in <term> user modeling </term> , a section is devoted to this topic .
tech,10-2-J88-3002,ak This paper explores the role of <term> user modeling </term> in such <term> systems </term> .
other,15-4-J88-3002,ak The types of <term> information </term> that a <term> user model </term> may be required to keep about a <term> user </term> are then identified and discussed .
model,0-5-J88-3002,ak The types of <term> information </term> that a <term> user model </term> may be required to keep about a <term> user </term> are then identified and discussed . <term> User models </term> themselves can vary greatly depending on the requirements of the situation and the implementation , so several dimensions along which they can be classified are presented .
tech,6-2-J88-3002,ak This paper explores the role of <term> user modeling </term> in such <term> systems </term> .
tech,1-1-J88-3002,ak For <term> intelligent interactive systems </term> to communicate with humans in a natural manner , they must have knowledge about the <term> system users </term> .
tech,14-7-J88-3002,ak Next , the benefits and costs of implementing a <term> user modeling component </term> for a <term> system </term> are weighed in light of several aspects of the <term> interaction requirements </term> that may be imposed by the <term> system </term> .
other,3-4-J88-3002,ak The types of <term> information </term> that a <term> user model </term> may be required to keep about a <term> user </term> are then identified and discussed .
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