other,11-2-J87-3001,ak has been implemented for processing <term> definitions </term> from the <term> Longman Dictionary
other,23-4-J87-3001,ak word senses </term> in terms of the <term> senses </term> of <term> words </term> in the <term>
other,25-4-J87-3001,ak terms of the <term> senses </term> of <term> words </term> in the <term> restricted vocabulary
model,16-6-J87-3001,ak </term> as determined by a hierarchy of <term> patterns </term> in which less specific <term> patterns
model,21-6-J87-3001,ak patterns </term> in which less specific <term> patterns </term> dominate more specific ones . This
other,8-7-J87-3001,ak reasonable incomplete analyses of the <term> definitions </term> are produced when more complete
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