other,9-14-H89-1036,ak Along with the development of an <term> Earley-type parser </term> for <term> TAGs </term> , <term> lexicons </term> for <term> English </term> are under development .
other,26-4-H89-1036,ak The <term> ' grammar ' </term> consists of a <term> lexicon </term> where each <term> lexical item </term> is associated with a finite number of structures for which that item is the <term> head </term> .
tech,6-14-H89-1036,ak Along with the development of an <term> Earley-type parser </term> for <term> TAGs </term> , <term> lexicons </term> for <term> English </term> are under development .
other,8-13-H89-1036,ak The <term> system </term> parses <term> unification formalisms </term> that have a <term> CFG skeleton </term> and that have a <term> TAG skeleton </term> .
other,4-18-H89-1036,ak We assign them regular <term> syntactic structures </term> while representing them semantically as one <term> entry </term> .
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