tech,15-6-H01-1041,bq chemical biological warfare , the <term> system </term> produces the <term> translation output
other,18-6-H01-1041,bq the <term> system </term> produces the <term> translation output </term> sufficient for content understanding
other,10-5-H01-1041,bq development </term> and porting to new <term> domains </term> via <term> knowledge-based automated
tech,5-4-H01-1041,bq arguments </term> ) . ( ii ) High quality <term> translation </term> via <term> word sense disambiguation
other,18-3-H01-1041,bq parsing </term> of <term> Korean </term> ( a <term> verb final language </term> with <term> overt case markers </term>
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