other,23-6-E89-1006,ak <term> event </term> out of the system of <term> relevant times </term> and to update this system of <term>
other,31-6-E89-1006,ak </term> and to update this system of <term> temporal coordinates </term> correctly . The problem of choice
other,14-8-E89-1006,ak and Rohrer the exact meaning of the <term> tenses </term> is fixed by the <term> resolution component
other,19-8-E89-1006,ak <term> tenses </term> is fixed by the <term> resolution component </term> and not in the process of <term> syntactic
tech,27-8-E89-1006,ak component </term> and not in the process of <term> syntactic analysis </term> . This paper presents a critical
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