lr,2-3-I05-4010,bq in detail . The resultant <term> bilingual corpus </term> , 10.4 M <term> English words </term>
lr,6-3-P06-1052,bq </term> . We evaluate the algorithm on a <term> corpus </term> , and show that it reduces the degree
lr,3-3-P05-1034,bq component </term> . We align a <term> parallel corpus </term> , project the <term> source dependency
lr,13-1-N03-2006,bq </term> based on a small-sized <term> bilingual corpus </term> , we use an out-of-domain <term> bilingual
lr,7-2-P05-2016,bq required is a <term> sentence-aligned parallel corpus </term> . All other <term> resources </term>
lr,29-2-C88-2130,bq </term> derived through analysis of our <term> corpus </term> . <term> Chart parsing </term> is <term>
lr,23-2-C04-1116,bq each author 's text as a coherent <term> corpus </term> . Our approach is based on the idea
lr,50-3-C04-1147,bq phrases </term> at any distance in the <term> corpus </term> . The framework is flexible , allowing
lr,19-2-N03-4010,bq candidates </term> from the given <term> text corpus </term> . The operation of the <term> system
lr,30-2-C04-1192,bq for the <term> languages </term> in the <term> corpus </term> . The <term> wordnets </term> are aligned
lr-prod,26-4-H90-1060,bq </term> from the <term> DARPA Resource Management corpus </term> . This <term> performance </term> is
lr,15-2-C90-3063,bq co-occurrence patterns </term> in a large <term> corpus </term> . To a large extent , these <term>
lr-prod,15-3-H94-1014,bq word </term><term> Wall Street Journal text corpus </term> . Using the <term> BU recognition system
lr,19-5-J05-4003,bq starting with a very small <term> parallel corpus </term> ( 100,000 <term> words </term> ) and
lr,12-4-C92-1055,bq possible variations between the <term> training corpus </term> and the real tasks are also taken
lr,7-2-P03-1051,bq by a small <term> manually segmented Arabic corpus </term> and uses it to bootstrap an <term>
lr,22-2-P03-1050,bq a small ( 10K sentences ) <term> parallel corpus </term> as its sole <term> training resources
lr,10-5-N03-2025,bq Markov Model </term> is trained on a <term> corpus </term> automatically tagged by the first
other,15-1-P03-1009,bq classes </term> from undisambiguated <term> corpus data </term> . We describe a new approach
tech,4-1-N06-4001,bq strategies . We introduce a new <term> interactive corpus exploration tool </term> called <term> InfoMagnets
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