understanding and generation modules </term> mediated by a <term> language neutral meaning representation
users </term> has been extensively studied by the <term> natural language generation community
<term> word string </term> has been obtained by using a different <term> LM </term> . Actually
the basis of <term> feedback </term> provided by <term> human judges </term> . We reconceptualize
for a <term> language L </term> are directed by a <term> guide </term> which uses the <term>
engine </term> can be improved dramatically by incorporating an approximation of the <term>
for a <term> spoken dialogue system </term> by eliciting <term> subjective human judgments
language system domains </term> . Motivated by the success of <term> ensemble methods </term>
performance gains from the <term> data </term> by using <term> class-dependent interpolation
</term> for learning <term> morphology </term> by identifying <term> hubs </term> in an <term>
a <term> corpus </term> automatically tagged by the first <term> learner </term> . The resulting
translingual reach into other <term> languages </term> by leveraging <term> human language technology
</term> of <term> data objects </term> created by the <term> system </term> during each <term>
</term> on both <term> systems </term> . Motivated by these arguments , we introduce a number
<term> models </term> are automatically derived by <term> decision tree learning </term> using
further improve the <term> stemmer </term> by allowing it to adapt to a desired <term>
approximate <term> Arabic 's rich morphology </term> by a <term> model </term> that a <term> word </term>
of <term> human agreement </term> . Motivated by this semantic criterion we analyze the
</term> , and evaluated their performance by means of two experiments : coarse-level
<term> accuracy </term> that can be achieved by the <term> algorithms </term> , we present
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