</term> is a set of inter-related but distinct tasks , one of which is <term> sentence scoping
human judges </term> . We reconceptualize the task into two distinct phases . First , a very
</term> . We apply our <term> system </term> to the task of scoring alternative <term> speech recognition
tech,29-2-N03-1018,ak order to make it more useful for <term> NLP tasks </term> . We present an implementation of
tech,26-2-N03-2003,ak topic </term> of the <term> target recognition task </term> , but also that it is possible to
time finding more data relevant to their task , and gives them translingual reach into
tech,9-3-P03-1005,ak classification </term> and <term> sentence alignment tasks </term> to evaluate its performance as a <term>
tech,11-1-P03-1030,ak for the <term> Topic Detection and Tracking tasks </term> of <term> new event detection </term>
tech,13-2-P03-1030,ak detection </term> as <term> information retrieval task </term> and hypothesize on the impact of <term>
other,29-2-P03-1058,ak the <term> SENSEVAL-2 English lexical sample task </term> . Our investigation reveals that
</term> in the context of a direction-giving task . The distribution of <term> nonverbal behaviors
errors </term> are analyzed in detail . Other tasks using the method developed for <term> ILIMP
other,37-1-I05-2021,ak the <term> Senseval-3 Chinese lexical sample task </term> . Much effort has been put in designing
</term> in a larger volume from the Web . The task of <term> machine translation ( MT ) evaluation
evaluation </term> is closely related to the task of <term> sentence-level semantic equivalence
Annotating <term> honorifics </term> is a complex task that involves identifying a <term> predicate
other,7-5-J05-1003,ak introduce a new method for the <term> reranking task </term> , based on the <term> boosting approach
other,30-12-J05-1003,ak which are naturally framed as <term> ranking tasks </term> , for example , <term> speech recognition
for certain field structured extraction tasks , such as classified advertisements and
conditional random field ( CRF ) </term> for this task and relate results with this <term> model
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