consuming to document . Given the development of storage media and networks one could just
techniques </term> use a <term> histogram </term> of <term> keywords </term> as the <term> document
indices </term> such as the time and place of the rejoinder and the attendance . An alternative
, etc . This paper addresses the problem of the automatic detection of those activities
addresses the problem of the automatic detection of those activities in meeting situation and
everyday rejoinders . Several extensions of this basic idea are being discussed and/or
activities one can define <term> subsets </term> of larger <term> database </term> and detect those
automatically which is shown on a large database of TV shows . Emotions and other <term> indices
</term> such as the dominance distribution of speakers might be available on the surface
be used directly . Despite the small size of the <term> databases </term> used some results
used some results about the effectiveness of these <term> indices </term> can be obtained
program [ 1 ] is funding the development of a <term> distributed message-passing infrastructure
presentation , we describe the features of and requirements for a genuinely useful
pharmaceutical news archive </term> as part of their industry watch function . We also
watch function . We also report results of a preliminary , <term> qualitative user evaluation
<term> qualitative user evaluation </term> of the <term> system </term> , which while broadly
interface to make <term> users </term> aware of the increased potential of <term> IE-enhanced
users </term> aware of the increased potential of <term> IE-enhanced text browsers </term> .
Korean-to-English translation system </term> consists of two <term> core modules </term> , <term> language
<term> semantic frame </term> . The key features of the <term> system </term> include : ( i ) Robust
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