utterance classification </term> that does not require <term> manual transcription </term>
high-accuracy word-level alignment models </term> does not have a strong impact on performance . Learning
<term> speech understanding </term> , it is not appropriate to decide on a single <term>
this <term> pronoun </term> , for which it does not make sense to look for an <term> antecedent
shift-reduce dependency parsers </term> may not guarantee the connectivity of a <term> dependency
% <term> accuracy </term> and that there is not a large performance difference between
</term> over <term> parse trees </term> that were not included in the original <term> model </term>
</term> , can reliably determinewhether or not they are <term> translations </term> of each
<term> word sense disambiguation </term> does not yield significantly better <term> translation
reading materials would enable learners not only to study the <term> target vocabulary
Translation ( SMT ) </term> but which have not been addressed satisfactorily by the <term>
and conversational features </term> , but do not change the general preference of approach
</term> accessible to researchers who are not experts in <term> text mining </term> . As
100,000 words , the system guesses correctly not placing <term> commas </term> with a <term> precision
FROFF </term> which can make a fair copy of not only <term> texts </term> but also graphs and
imitation of <term> human performance </term> is not the best way to implement many of these
operations </term> on <term> SI-Nets </term> are not merely isomorphic to single <term> epistemological
MPS grammars </term> , unfortunately , are not computationally safe . We evaluate several
language learning </term> . However , this is not the only area in which the principles of
proposition </term> which is preponderantly , but not necessarily always , true . For example
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