it is also time consuming to document . Given the development of storage media and networks
translation output </term> . Subjects were given a set of up to six extracts of translated
translation outputs </term> . The subjects were given three minutes per extract to determine
possible <term> sentence plans </term> for a given <term> text-plan input </term> . Second , the
<term> wide coverage English grammar </term> are given . While <term> paraphrasing </term> is critical
<term> off-the-shelf classifiers </term> to give <term> utterance classification performance
</term> as either coherent or incoherent ( given a <term> baseline </term> of 54.55 % ) . We
together , the resulting <term> tagger </term> gives a 97.24 % <term> accuracy </term> on the <term>
inflow of multilingual , multimedia data . It gives users the ability to spend their time finding
finding more data relevant to their task , and gives them translingual reach into other <term>
likely <term> answer candidates </term> from the given <term> text corpus </term> . The operation
genre </term> . Examples and results will be given for <term> Arabic </term> , but the approach
probable <term> morpheme sequence </term> for a given <term> input </term> . The <term> language model
performance of a <term> summarizer </term> , at times giving it a significant lead over <term> non-Bayesian
reranking </term> . The <term> model </term> gives an <term> F-measure improvement </term> of
evaluations have shown , that <term> SMT </term> gives competitive results to <term> rule-based
domains </term> . This workshop is intended to give an introduction to <term> statistical machine
extent <term> entailment </term> . Our technique gives a substantial improvement in <term> paraphrase
described . Moreover , some examples are given that underline the necessity of integrating
<term> maximum entropy classifier </term> that , given a <term> pair of sentences </term> , can reliably
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