other,23-1-P01-1009,bq includes <term> other ( than ) </term> , <term> such ( as ) </term> , and <term> besides </term> .
Processing ( NLP ) </term> applications , such as <term> Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD
) <term> numeric-valued attributes </term> , such as size or location ; ( b ) <term> perspective-taking
speech </term> . Other contextual clues , such as <term> editing terms </term> , <term> word
non-literal aspects of communication </term> , such as robust <term> communication procedures
and ( 3 ) <term> conversational cues </term> , such as <term> cue phrases </term> and <term> overlapping
simulate many <term> grammar formalisms </term> , such as <term> rewriting systems </term> , <term>
</term> between <term> objects </term> . However , such an approach does not work well when there
</term> , posing special problems for readers , such as <term> misspelled words </term> , <term> missing
from <term> unstructured data sources </term> , such as the <term> Web </term> or <term> newswire
Machine Translation ( MT ) systems </term> , such as <term> BLEU </term> or <term> NIST </term> ,
alternative <term> index </term> could be the activity such as discussing , planning , informing ,
edges </term> adjacent to it , rather than all such <term> edges </term> as in conventional treatments
is more describable than other approaches such as those employing a traditional <term> generative
</term> . We propose a method of attaining such a design through a method of <term> structure-sharing
including <term> coordinate conjunctions </term> such as <term> and </term> , <term> or </term> , <term>
model </term> is also presented that deals such <term> phrases </term> , as well as a <term>
using them , we can automatically extract such <term> sentences </term> that express opinion
Finding the preferred <term> language </term> for such a <term> need </term> is a valuable task .
building <term> spelling-checkers </term> for such languages . The speed of the resulting
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