other,4-2-P06-4011,bq articles </term> . In our approach , <term> sentences </term> in a given <term> abstract </term> are
<term> English stemmer </term> and a small ( 10K sentences ) <term> parallel corpus </term> as its sole
other,5-5-C88-2160,bq <term> paraphrasing </term> ambiguous <term> sentences </term> are presented . Computer programs
other,9-2-C04-1106,bq quite dubious about <term> analogies between sentences </term> : they would not be enough numerous
lr,3-3-H92-1026,bq way . We use a <term> corpus of bracketed sentences </term> , called a <term> Treebank </term> ,
other,8-2-A88-1001,bq and heuristically-produced complete <term> sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech
other,13-2-E06-1031,bq result in correct or almost correct <term> sentences </term> . In this paper , we will present
other,7-1-A94-1007,bq propose a model for analyzing <term> English sentences </term> including <term> coordinate conjunctions
other,12-5-C90-3063,bq <term> pronoun </term><term> it </term> in <term> sentences </term> that were randomly selected from
other,10-1-N04-1024,bq </term> includes a capability that labels <term> sentences </term> in student <term> writing </term> with
other,34-3-I05-2021,bq <term> words </term> in <term> source language sentences </term> . Surprisingly however , the <term>
other,31-3-N04-1022,bq </term> of <term> source and target language sentences </term> . We report the performance of the
other,40-1-N01-1003,bq how to combine them into one or more <term> sentences </term> . In this paper , we present <term>
other,18-1-C90-2032,bq <term> dependency structure </term> of <term> sentences </term> . The <term> DoPS system </term> extracts
tech,6-1-J05-4003,bq method </term> for <term> discovering parallel sentences </term> in <term> comparable , non-parallel
other,24-4-H92-1060,bq of robustly parsed vs. fully parsed <term> sentences </term> on the <term> October '91 dry-run test
other,10-1-I05-5008,bq <term> paraphrase </term> sets from <term> seed sentences </term> to be used as <term> reference sets
other,9-4-P06-2059,bq we can automatically extract such <term> sentences </term> that express opinion . In our experiment
other,33-4-C88-2086,bq presuppositional nature </term> of these <term> sentences </term> . We have developed a <term> computational
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