</term> of the <term> discourse </term> aggregate into <term> segments </term> , recognizing the <term>
transformed by a <term> planning algorithm </term> into efficient <term> Prolog </term> , cf. <term>
sequences </term> . We incorporate this analysis into a <term> diagnostic tool </term> intended for
integrating <term> automatic Q/A </term> applications into real-world environments . <term> FERRET </term>
<term> general-purpose NLP components </term> into a <term> machine translation pipeline </term>
</term> . The <term> board </term> plugs directly into the <term> VME bus </term> of the <term> SUN4
of segments of the <term> discourse </term> into which the <term> utterances </term> naturally
of transforming a <term> disposition </term> into a <term> proposition </term> is referred to
</term> which takes these <term> features </term> into account . We introduce a new <term> method
</term> and the main <term> dictionary </term> fits into the standard <term> 360K floppy </term> , whereas
practically implemented and incorporated into the <term> English-Japanese MT system </term>
the results of which will be incorporated into a <term> natural language generation system
scruffy texts </term> has been incorporated into a working <term> computer program </term> called
</term> can be incrementally incorporated into the <term> dictionary </term> after the interaction
take <term> contextual information </term> into account . We evaluate our <term> paraphrase
different amounts and types of information into its <term> lexicon </term> according to its
clusters </term> , offering us a good insight into the potential and limitations of <term> semantically
Our work aims at providing useful insights into the the <term> computational complexity </term>
create a <term> word-trie </term> , transform it into a <term> minimal DFA </term> , then identify
basics of <term> SMT </term> : Theory will be put into practice . <term> STTK </term> , a <term> statistical
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