other,17-4-H92-1045,bq two or more times in a <term> well-written discourse </term> , it is extremely likely that they
other,13-10-J86-3001,bq processing of <term> utterances </term> in a <term> discourse </term> . <term> Discourse processing </term>
other,20-1-J86-3001,bq </term> and <term> processing </term> in <term> discourse </term> . In this theory , <term> discourse
other,23-6-J86-3001,bq that are salient at each point of the <term> discourse </term> . The distinction among these components
other,9-11-J86-3001,bq how the <term> utterances </term> of the <term> discourse </term> aggregate into <term> segments </term>
other,14-12-J86-3001,bq </term> the role of information from the <term> discourse </term> and from the <term> participants </term>
other,20-11-J86-3001,bq <term> intentions </term> expressed in the <term> discourse </term> and the relationships among <term>
other,3-9-J86-3001,bq discourses </term> . Various properties of <term> discourse </term> are described , and explanations
other,6-3-A88-1001,bq </term> and <term> feedback </term> about the <term> discourse </term> are enabled . The <term> interface </term>
other,20-7-H92-1045,bq </term> that did not make use of the <term> discourse constraint </term> . This paper describes
other,12-3-H92-1045,bq completion , we observed a very strong <term> discourse </term> effect . That is , if a <term> polysemous
other,22-4-N04-1024,bq question </term> and relatedness between <term> discourse elements </term> . <term> Intra-sentential
other,15-1-N04-1024,bq <term> writing </term> with <term> essay-based discourse elements </term> ( e.g. , <term> thesis statements
other,8-3-J86-3001,bq </term> consists of segments of the <term> discourse </term> into which the <term> utterances </term>
other,20-5-H92-1045,bq share <term> sense </term> in the same <term> discourse </term> is extremely strong ( 98 % ) . This
other,14-7-J86-3001,bq provide an adequate explanation of such <term> discourse phenomena </term> as <term> cue phrases </term>
tech,20-1-C88-1044,bq discusses implications for current <term> discourse processing algorithms </term> . We examine
tech,11-1-C92-1052,bq </term> are defined and a method for <term> discourse segmentation </term> primarily based on <term>
other,3-1-C92-1052,bq are ever introduced . In this paper <term> discourse segments </term> are defined and a method
other,20-3-C04-1128,bq upon <term> lexical similarity </term> of <term> discourse segments </term> for <term> question-answer
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