other,11-4-H91-1077,ak related in <term> meaning </term> to the <term> alternative senses </term> of the <term> polysemous word </term>
other,50-5-H91-1077,ak from those <term> words </term> to the <term> alternative senses </term> of the <term> polysemous word </term>
other,24-1-H91-1077,ak relations </term> ( <term> synonymy </term> , <term> antonymy </term> , <term> hyponymy </term> , <term> meronymy
other,30-1-H91-1077,ak hyponymy </term> , <term> meronymy </term> , <term> causal and troponymic entailment </term> ) as labeled pointers between <term>
other,33-4-H91-1077,ak <term> related words </term> into the <term> context </term> of the <term> polysemous word </term>
other,6-5-H91-1077,ak <term> corpus </term> . Or , ( 2 ) the <term> context </term> of the <term> polysemous word </term>
other,30-5-H91-1077,ak words </term> found to occur in that <term> context </term> will be noted ; <term> WordNet </term>
other,75-5-H91-1077,ak <term> words </term> occurring in the same <term> context </term> . If successful , this procedure
lr,71-4-H91-1077,ak string that is found most often in the <term> corpus </term> . Or , ( 2 ) the <term> context </term>
other,26-1-H91-1077,ak synonymy </term> , <term> antonymy </term> , <term> hyponymy </term> , <term> meronymy </term> , <term> causal
tech,12-6-H91-1077,ak practical applications to problems of <term> information retrieval </term> , <term> mechanical translation </term>
tech,18-6-H91-1077,ak <term> mechanical translation </term> , <term> intelligent tutoring systems </term> , and elsewhere . A system is described
other,16-5-H91-1077,ak polysemous word </term> will be used as a <term> key </term> to search a <term> large corpus </term>
lr,20-5-H91-1077,ak used as a <term> key </term> to search a <term> large corpus </term> ; all <term> words </term> found to occur
lr,40-4-H91-1077,ak the <term> polysemous word </term> ; a <term> large textual corpus </term> will then be searched for these derived
lr,15-1-H91-1077,ak on <term> WordNet </term> , an on-line <term> lexical database </term> that incorporates <term> semantic relations
other,8-4-H91-1077,ak ( 1 ) <term> words </term> related in <term> meaning </term> to the <term> alternative senses </term>
other,67-5-H91-1077,ak </term> will be chosen that is closest in <term> meaning </term> to other <term> words </term> occurring
tech,15-6-H91-1077,ak <term> information retrieval </term> , <term> mechanical translation </term> , <term> intelligent tutoring systems
other,28-1-H91-1077,ak antonymy </term> , <term> hyponymy </term> , <term> meronymy </term> , <term> causal and troponymic entailment
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