tool,45-1-H89-2019,ak Common Answer Specification </term> , or <term> CAS </term> ) . The <term> Comparator </term> checks
tool,1-2-H89-2019,ak </term> , or <term> CAS </term> ) . The <term> Comparator </term> checks whether the answer provided
tool,28-1-H89-2019,ak developed for that purpose ( the <term> Comparator </term> ) and a set of <term> specifications
tool,39-3-H89-2019,ak </term> , and the procedures used by the <term> Comparator </term> . Though some details of the <term>
tool,5-4-H89-2019,ak </term> . Though some details of the <term> CAS </term> are particular to individual <term>
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