other,9-4-E06-1035,bq on <term> performance </term> of using <term> ASR output </term> as opposed to <term> human transcription
other,9-6-E06-1035,bq transcription errors </term> inevitable in <term> ASR output </term> have a negative impact on models
other,62-5-E06-1035,bq features </term> performs best , and ( 3 ) <term> conversational cues </term> , such as <term> cue phrases </term>
other,67-5-E06-1035,bq conversational cues </term> , such as <term> cue phrases </term> and <term> overlapping speech </term>
other,5-5-E06-1035,bq </term> . Examination of the effect of <term> features </term> shows that <term> predicting top-level
other,14-4-E06-1035,bq <term> ASR output </term> as opposed to <term> human transcription </term> . Examination of the effect of <term>
other,17-3-E06-1035,bq topic shifts </term> to the problem of <term> identifying subtopic boundaries </term> . We then explore the impact on <term>
tech,28-5-E06-1035,bq <term> subtopic boundaries </term> , the <term> lexical cohesion-based approach </term> alone can achieve competitive results
other,51-5-E06-1035,bq learning approach </term> that combines <term> lexical-cohesion and conversational features </term> performs best , and ( 3 ) <term> conversational
other,19-6-E06-1035,bq negative impact on models that combine <term> lexical-cohesion and conversational features </term> , but do not change the general preference
tech,46-5-E06-1035,bq predicting top-level boundaries </term> , the <term> machine learning approach </term> that combines <term> lexical-cohesion
other,70-5-E06-1035,bq such as <term> cue phrases </term> and <term> overlapping speech </term> , are better indicators for the top-level
measure(ment),6-4-E06-1035,bq </term> . We then explore the impact on <term> performance </term> of using <term> ASR output </term> as
other,8-5-E06-1035,bq of <term> features </term> shows that <term> predicting top-level and predicting subtopic boundaries </term> are two distinct tasks : ( 1 ) for
other,41-5-E06-1035,bq achieve competitive results , ( 2 ) for <term> predicting top-level boundaries </term> , the <term> machine learning approach
other,9-3-E06-1035,bq approaches that have been proposed for <term> predicting top-level topic shifts </term> to the problem of <term> identifying
other,11-1-E06-1035,bq problem of automatically predicting <term> segment boundaries </term> in <term> spoken multiparty dialogue
other,14-1-E06-1035,bq predicting <term> segment boundaries </term> in <term> spoken multiparty dialogue </term> . We extend prior work in two ways
other,24-5-E06-1035,bq distinct tasks : ( 1 ) for predicting <term> subtopic boundaries </term> , the <term> lexical cohesion-based
other,5-6-E06-1035,bq prediction task . We also find that the <term> transcription errors </term> inevitable in <term> ASR output </term>
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