measure(ment),18-7-A94-1007,bq system </term> , and provided about 75 % <term> accuracy </term> in the practical <term> translation
other,25-6-A94-1007,bq provides four effects : the reduction of <term> analysis cost </term> , the improvement of <term> word disambiguation
other,14-1-A94-1007,bq coordinate conjunctions </term> such as <term> and </term> , <term> or </term> , <term> but </term>
tech,6-6-A94-1007,bq The <term> model </term> is based on a <term> balance matching operation </term> for two lists of the <term> feature
other,18-1-A94-1007,bq as <term> and </term> , <term> or </term> , <term> but </term> and the equivalent <term> words </term>
other,8-3-A94-1007,bq problem is selecting , from all possible <term> candidates </term> , the correct <term> syntactic structure
other,29-3-A94-1007,bq constituents </term> are coordinated by the <term> conjunction </term> . Typically , so many possible <term>
other,24-3-A94-1007,bq conjunction </term> , i.e. determining which <term> constituents </term> are coordinated by the <term> conjunction
other,18-3-A94-1007,bq structure </term> formed by an individual <term> coordinate conjunction </term> , i.e. determining which <term> constituents
other,10-1-A94-1007,bq <term> English sentences </term> including <term> coordinate conjunctions </term> such as <term> and </term> , <term> or </term>
other,37-6-A94-1007,bq disambiguation </term> , the interpretation of <term> ellipses </term> , and <term> robust analysis </term>
tech,4-5-A94-1007,bq notations . This paper presents an <term> English coordinate structure analysis model </term> , which provides <term> top-down scope
other,7-1-A94-1007,bq authors propose a model for analyzing <term> English sentences </term> including <term> coordinate conjunctions
tech,9-7-A94-1007,bq implemented and incorporated into the <term> English-Japanese MT system </term> , and provided about 75 % <term> accuracy
other,14-6-A94-1007,bq operation </term> for two lists of the <term> feature sets </term> , which provides four effects : the
other,21-4-A94-1007,bq select the correct one , even if the <term> grammars </term> allow to write the <term> rules </term>
tech,15-2-A94-1007,bq of the most difficult problems for <term> machine translation ( MT ) systems </term> . The problem is selecting , from
tech,1-7-A94-1007,bq <term> robust analysis </term> . This <term> model </term> was practically implemented and incorporated
tech,1-6-A94-1007,bq of the <term> parallelism </term> . The <term> model </term> is based on a <term> balance matching
tech,9-4-A94-1007,bq structures </term> are produced that <term> MT systems </term> can not select the correct one ,
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