other,0-2-A88-1001,bq database query applications </term> . <term> Multimedia answers </term> include <term> videodisc images </term>
other,0-3-A88-1001,bq or <term> text-to-speech form </term> . <term> Deictic reference </term> and <term> feedback </term> about the
tech,16-1-A88-1001,bq articulation of answers </term> elicited by a <term> natural language interface </term> to <term> database query applications
other,3-3-A88-1001,bq . <term> Deictic reference </term> and <term> feedback </term> about the <term> discourse </term> are
other,8-2-A88-1001,bq and heuristically-produced complete <term> sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech
other,10-2-A88-1001,bq heuristically-produced complete <term> sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech form </term>
other,3-2-A88-1001,bq <term> Multimedia answers </term> include <term> videodisc images </term> and heuristically-produced complete
other,12-2-A88-1001,bq sentences </term> in <term> text </term> or <term> text-to-speech form </term> . <term> Deictic reference </term> and
tech,1-4-A88-1001,bq <term> discourse </term> are enabled . The <term> interface </term> thus presents the application as
other,6-3-A88-1001,bq </term> and <term> feedback </term> about the <term> discourse </term> are enabled . The <term> interface </term>
tech,9-1-A88-1001,bq domain independent strategy for the <term> multimedia articulation of answers </term> elicited by a <term> natural language
other,20-1-A88-1001,bq natural language interface </term> to <term> database query applications </term> . <term> Multimedia answers </term> include
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