J79-1023 formed from either adjectival or prepositional modification of a noun . Very often , an adjectival
W02-0308 i.e. , noun phrases excluding prepositional modification or any other complex feature
J13-1008 with no apparent patterns . ( Prepositional modifications even show a slight decline in
W03-1314 i.e. , noun phrases excluding prepositional modification or any other complex feature
J13-1008 Easy-First Parser can not . Object and prepositional modification perform identically with or without
P12-1084 if ( i ) m2 is a possessive or prepositional modification of m1 , or ( ii ) m1 is a coordination
S13-1035 When a preposition is part of a prepositional modification ( i.e. in the middle of the pair
J13-1008 decreasing its error rate by 9.6 % and prepositional modification by 8.7 % . Notably , idafa shows
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