W98-1421 section 5 ) . Additionally , the plan processor draws more global inferences
W00-1420 partly shown in figure 4 . The plan processor interprets ( currently about
W00-1420 together with the output of the plan processor , interpreted to produce the
W00-1420 about sentences computed by the plan processor to full semantic representations
W00-1420 transformed into a VIT by the plan processor described below . In the absence
W98-1421 The Plan Processor We use the plan processor \ -LSB- Alexandersson and Reithinger
W98-1421 the figure shows just one . The plan processor uses a set of plan operators
W00-1420 step approach consists of : * A plan processor whose task it is to split the
W00-1420 Finally these are processed by the plan processor as described below . 4.2 Sentence
W98-1421 of the turn is preserved . The plan processor performs this operation on two
W00-1420 is to convert the output of the plan processor into full fledged semantic descriptions
W00-1420 into more than one sentence , the plan processor uses an anaphora to the meeting
W00-1420 second meeting . In addition to the plan processor , the semantic constructor also
W00-1420 as a robust fall-back : If the plan processor does not succeed in obtaining
W00-1420 constructor are based on a comparison of plan processor output VITs occurring within
W98-1421 languages are stored . 4.1 The Plan Processor We use the plan processor \ -LSB-
W00-1420 course of the generation , the plan processor incrementally constructs a context
W98-1421 the current implementation , the plan processor performs two operations on the
W00-1420 complete specification . Input to the plan processor ( Alexandersson and Rei - thinger
W00-1420 While the local context of the plan processor is based on the propositional
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