W98-0906 learning mechanisms required for phonological parsing in loanword formation . Phonologists
C92-4205 synthesis and in particular with its phonological parsing component as opposed to the acoustic
J90-1006 </title> <authors></authors> <title> PHONOLOGICAL PARSING IN SPEECH RECOGNITION </title>
C92-4205 in the constraints needed for phonological parsing ( Carson-Berndsen , 1991 ) .
P95-1001 methods like the decision-tree or phonological parsing algorithms to induce rules as
C92-4205 phonotactic coustraints . For phonological parsing a flexible notion of compositiouality
H94-1055 hidden Markov model is . <title> Phonological Parsing for Bi-directional Letter-to-Sound/Sound-to-Letter
P89-1011 representations will not support the phonological parsing necessary to ` undo ' such processes
W98-0906 learning mechanisms required for phonological parsing in loanword formation , ' then
J90-1007 Bachenko abstract Book Reviews Phonological Parsing in Speech Recognition engineering
P89-1011 assume that some such account of phonological parsing can be developed and that the
W94-0206 . Because the focus here is on phonological parsing , rather than morphological parsing
J90-1006 at least from an Book Reviews Phonological Parsing in Speech Recognition engineering
H94-1103 identification rate of 55.8 % . Phonological Parsing for Letter/Sound Gen - eration
P89-1011 access process into a pre-lexical phonological parsing stage and then a lexical entry
H94-1045 template . Meng , Seneff , and Zue ( Phonological Parsing for Bidirectional Letter-to-Sound
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