P07-1064 combining features derived from pattern analysis with prosodic information . We
N09-5003 pleted , the phonological speech pattern analysis can begin . This analysis evaluates
N09-5003 used for the phonological speech patterns analysis . 4.4 Phonological Speech Pattern
D10-1042 bilingual sentences using lexical pattern analysis . 2.3 Holistic Approaches The
J11-2007 lemmatization . We return to corpus pattern analysis in Chapter 12 . Cinkov ´
N07-1072 identified by domain-specific pattern analysis of corresponding parse trees
C04-1133 a lexicographer through corpus pattern analysis of about 500 occurrences of each
E14-1007 Palmer et al. , 2005 ) . Corpus Pattern Analysis ( CPA ) frames ( Hanks , 2012
C04-1133 . 2 CPA Methodology The Corpus Pattern Analysis ( CPA ) technique uses a semi-automatic
N09-5003 use STAT 's phonological speech pattern analysis tools to describe differences
N09-5003 analysis . 4.4 Phonological Speech Pattern Analysis Once the transcription alignment
N09-5003 transcription alignment and speech pattern analysis components of STAT make it a
J87-3009 then supply clues for phrasal pattern analysis and application . Third , semantic
N09-5003 more and more phonological speech pattern analyses for a particular language , general
J11-2007 Patrick Hanks has developed corpus pattern analysis , a manual technique for identifying
P12-2046 ( Hoffart et al. , 2011 ) ) . Pattern Analysis . A pattern is a n-gram based
C04-1133 The approach we adopt , Corpus Pattern Analysis ( CPA ) ( Pustejovsky and Hanks
E12-1085 data sample based on the Corpus Pattern Analysis to present the reliable information
E14-1007 Evaluation against CPA Frames Corpus Pattern Analysis ( CPA ) is a technique for linking
J11-2007 annotated more richly than in corpus pattern analysis that could potentially benefit
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