W09-3828 suggest an effective strategy for parser improvement . 5.3 Combination of the two
P06-1043 comparatively recent techniques for parser improvement . The first of these , parse-reranking
D09-1121 will explore rewarding ways for parser improvements . Acknowledgments This work was
H89-1009 sentences per hour . A main thrust in parser improvement was the idea of using the data
D08-1050 newspaper and biomedical data . The parser improvement was due solely to the new POS
D11-1138 ) dependency leads to general parser improvements . 4.3 Average Arc Length Score
Q15-1003 suggests that it benefits more from parser improvements compared to the local models
Q14-1026 improvements lead directly to parser improvements . We identify two cases where
D09-1121 would bring us useful clues for parser improvements . In our future work , we will
D09-1121 could suggest some policy for parser improvements . 4.3 Combination of two approaches
W09-2608 Wikipedia documents . Data-driven parser improvement is especially important for applications
W09-3829 clustering approach for cross-framework parser improvement , since the clusters were derived
P07-1078 offers a potential direction for parser improvement , since the quality of a parser-reranker
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