D14-1180 result . A remaining issue with parallelization is the inconsistency of the grammar
C96-1082 performance gains in NLP through parallelization . To this end , we developed
C96-1082 Preliminary Results For effective parallelization it is crucial to keep communication
C96-1085 restrictions on the degree of its parallelization are discussed . 1 Introduction
D08-1024 an online learning algorithm , parallelization requires a little more coordination
D09-1087 parallelize EM training . The parallelization is crucial for training a model
D12-1101 these schedules to facilitate parallelization . A number of existing approaches
D13-1112 to be much faster than previous parallelization methods . We set the mini-batch
D11-1104 classifiers to train , which allows easy parallelization and significantly lowers the
D14-1180 better optimum . Figure 5 shows the parallelization result of typebased MCMC sampling
D09-1012 research results in the field of SVM parallelization using cascades of SVMs ( Graf
D08-1024 translations . Finally , we compared our parallelization method against a simpler method
D11-1104 important advantage in terms of parallelization -- we have a set of binary classifiers
D09-1098 computationally challenging task . Parallelization and optimizations are necessary
C96-1082 speech , investigations in the parallelization of parsing and to contribute
D13-1175 Parallelization and Bagging To achieve parallelization we use a variant of bagging (
D11-1022 that it is much more amenable to parallelization than the simplex algorithm ,
D13-1112 speedup training , we use mini-batch parallelization of Zhao and Huang ( 2013 ) which
D09-1012 , 2004 ) , an approach to SVM parallelization is presented which is based on
E09-1087 conclusive ) . We are working now on parallelization of the perceptron training ,
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