J09-3002 dialogue . One of the roles of the multimodal dialog manager is to handle contextual
W01-1016 events . Our architecture for multimodal dialog systems based on VoiceXML is
P04-3033 Gustafson et al. , 1999 ) is a multimodal dialog system mounted in a public kiosk
W01-1016 into a system architecture for multimodal dialog inter - faces . 4 Architecture
P02-1048 multimodal presentations adapted to the multimodal dialog context and user preferences
W01-1016 would reduce the development of a multimodal dialog interface to selection of a multimodal
J09-3002 Section 3.6 , we describe the multimodal dialog management mechanism used in
J09-3002 stages of processing , such as the multimodal dialog manager , to use contextual information
P02-1048 </cmd> . This is passed to the multimodal dialog manager ( MDM ) and from there
J09-3002 context . The update process in the multimodal dialog manager maintains a record in
J09-3002 an n-best list and passed to a multimodal dialog manager ( MDM ) ( Johnston et
J09-3002 and Contextual Resolution The multimodal dialog manager ( MDM ) is based on previous
P04-3033 an N-best list and passed to a multimodal dialog manager ( MDM ) ( Johnston et
N04-1005 an N-best list and passed to a multimodal dialog manager ( MDM ) ( John - ston
W01-1016 a requirements document for a multimodal dialog language ( W3C , 2000b ) and
J09-3002 while they are speaking . 3.6 Multimodal Dialog Management and Contextual Resolution
W01-1016 voice dialogs is kept low ( in multimodal dialogs this is easier than in voiceonly
N07-4008 , we present RavenCalendar , a multimodal dialog system built around the Google
P02-1048 potential multimodal interpretations . Multimodal Dialog Manager ( MDM ) The MDM is based
N03-4003 A Template-Based Generator for Multimodal Dialog Systems Heterogeneous </title>
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