E89-1018 collocations in the dictionary of a multilingual generation system . Advantages for text
A94-1044 documentation by knowledge-based , multilingual generation . The idea is to build up a knowledge
C86-1126 DEVELOPMENTS Previous version of the multilingual generation system uses a grammar for parsing
C02-2009 dependent features . Section 3 details multilingual generation and voice synthesis technologies
J00-2009 when possible . In his view , multilingual generation , including the problem of language
C00-1069 offer an etfective approach tbr multilingual generation . We are now extending the system
A88-1004 . 6 Prospects : From mono - to multilingual generation 6.1 Teaching English to the system
H91-1006 Landsbergen , 1989 ) . The work on multilingual generation based on conceptual hierarchies
C94-1058 to the requirements o \ -LSB- ' multilingual generation \ -RSB- ) y using language-si
C02-1031 are also considering the use of multilingual generation in , for example , contrastive
C90-3019 Organizing linguistic knowledge for multilingual generation * </title> Martin Emele Ulrich
A88-1004 Discourse Organizer ) . 6.3 Why multilingual generation ? 6.3.1 Aspects of application
E89-1018 knowledge 1 in the lexicon of a multilingual generation system and show to what extent
A94-1044 evaluations . <title> TECHDOC : Multilingual generation of online and offline instructional
A88-1004 6.3.2 Aspects of implementation : Multilingual generation enforces the separation of generator
A88-1004 There is more recent work in " multilingual generation " from data : &#8226; RAREAS
A88-1004 of linguistic theory : Work in multilingual generation from semantic representations
C92-2114 representation can be used for multilingual generation because it is a non linguistic
C94-1058 VI " llB - MOBIL scenario for multilingual generation ( English , German , and . Japanese
C02-2009 process within discourse unit . 3 Multilingual Generation and Voice Synthesis The system
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