D08-1041 variants information in improving mention detection system performance . Results
D08-1063 of each of these techniques on mention detection task performance . 5 Resources
D08-1063 propagation information in improving mention detection systems . Besides generic types
D08-1041 spelling variants in improving mention detection systems . We add a new feature
D08-1063 propagating information ( specifically mention detection information ) into such low resource
D08-1030 data is annotated primarily for a mention detection task which leads to the same
D08-1063 annotated corpus used to train the mention detection classifier does not have to be
D08-1063 resourcerich language and run mention detection . Then select the word sequences
D08-1063 x1 , x2 , guage . The goal of mention detection system is to find the most likely
D08-1063 effectiveness of our approach in improving mention detection system performance on languages
D08-1041 Experiments on Information Extraction Mention detection system experiments are conducted
D08-1063 evaluations . Also , the English mention detection system used for experiments has
D08-1063 Results show that the English mention detection system has a better performance
D08-1063 proposed in this article requires a mention detection system build in a resource-rich
D08-1063 • In English and in Spanish mention detection systems are similar to those
D08-1063 On the other hand , even though mention detection system is important for many
D08-1041 for testing . English and Arabic mention detection systems are using a large range
D08-1041 classical NLP tasks , we formulate the mention detection problem as a classification problem
D08-1063 mentioned in the introduction , the mention detection problem is formulated as a classification
D08-1063 that we are interested in the mention detection task only , we decided to use
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