D13-1073 hybrid approach , augmenting a machine learner to a set of handwritten rules
H05-1046 tagged data was used to train the machine learner . We compared this method with
E14-4022 incorporate the two feature spaces in a machine learner . 6 Acknowledgements This work
D12-1053 van den Bosch , 2005 ) . This machine learner is originally designed for part-of-speech
C04-1035 algorithms on these data sets . The rst machine learner used , SLIPPER , extracts optimised
I05-3003 noted that we use a different machine learner from the original method ( Nivre
I05-3003 leaves the decision to another machine learner that makes use of global fea
C04-1035 2003 ) . As with all memory-based machine learners , TiMBL stores representations
C02-1088 also made in other languages . As machine learner requires training and test examples
I05-3003 Similarly to Isozaki 's work , we use machine learner ( SVMs ) to construct the root
D15-1035 the loss function of a POS-tag machine learner , resulting in improved performance
D08-1004 annotator can provide hints to a machine learner by highlighting contextual "
I05-3003 and then gives these features to machine learner . The machine learner uses the
D12-1053 memory-based system except that no machine learner is included . The most frequent
D10-1084 effectiveness of various features and machine learners for this task . While a simple
H05-1046 tagged data was used to train a machine learner , which disambiguated toponyms
E09-1070 Wikipedia-based feature in their machine learner . Such approaches are limited
J08-3001 disagreements add patterns for the machine learner to find . Unfortunately , the
D12-1064 employ a maximum entropy ( MaxEnt ) machine learner -- MegaM ( fifth re - lease )
C02-1088 individual result . In our module , machine learners train with the training examples
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