W13-4711 Features The performance of the machine leaning technique depends on the features
W09-1309 Learning Algorithms We compared three machine leaning algorithms which have previously
W08-0611 Learning Algorithms We compared three machine leaning algorithms which have previously
W08-1116 worth ? The effectiveness of any machine leaning program is very limited by the
S15-1005 Adaptation The standard assumption in machine leaning is that data are independent
S13-2099 features for the classifiers of the Machine Leaning modules . The machine learning
S13-2099 online other configurations of the machine leaning modules will be available using
N06-3009 features , in the future . However , machine leaning approaches suffer from a serious
W11-0328 performance reports achieved by pure machine leaning methods ( i.e. without rulebased
S13-2099 with other configurations of the machine leaning modules and selected this one
W02-1605 we will briefly descript three machine leaning techniques , C4 .5 , C4 .5 rule
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